Kenny Logo


Kenny Pose
Kenny Banner
Kenny On The Can
Kenny Cam

What started out as a joke turned into a
comic I published weekly for 6 months.

I was out on a date when I passed
a salon called "Kenny's Hair-Skin".
I quipped, in my best immitation of
Billy Bob Thornton in Slingblade,
"I'm Kenny. This is mah hair,
and this is mah skin."

Car Kenny
Kenny And Porkchop
Seal Of Approval
80's Kenny
July 4th Kenny

The joke stuck with me, and the next
day I ran the idea for a comic
by a friend of mine.
Since in my mind Kenny had a mullet,
she was instantly sold on the idea.

So I drew the comic, many laughs
were had and I did another.
It was at that point he took on
a life of his own.

Memorial Kenny
Kenny Portrait
Bob Kenny
Pa And Boy
Kendra 03

I decided to set up a Myspace for Kenny
and then randomly sent friend invites to as
many different people in as many different
places as I could.

Pretty soon Kenny had a small following.
I posted the comic there weekly
and responded to comments and such
as if I was Kenny.

As if that wasn't strange enough,
I set up a page for Kenny's new
girlfriend in the comic, Kendra.
I guess I shouldn't have been surprised
when guys started hitting on Kendra's
profile, even though the only pictures
there were cartoon drawings of her.

One gentleman even sent a picture
of his girlfriends breasts.
It was just was too skeezy to handle.
I'm just really lucky I didn't get a
shot of some guys schlong!

Kendra 01
Kendra 02
Kenny And Rachel

I did other things to keep things
interesting for my friends and I.
For example, I ran a contest just so
I could do a bad parody of
"My Dinner with Andre".

After about 6 months I kind of ran
out of steam, but I wouldn't say
that Kenny has completely run
his course.

Kenny And Tara
Kenny And Dani

One idea I had was to
have him take a journey across
the country looking for his parents.
The other idea I don't want to spoil
but this journey would take
him a bit farther.

Click to enlarge.

Kenny And Dori

Kenny's Hair-Skin


Kenny's Hair-Skin


Kenny's Vittles

Kenny's Vittles
Kenny's Number Three


Kenny's Number Three


Kenny Takes A Dip

Kenny Takes A Dip
Kenny Goes Dark


Kenny Goes Dark


Kenny's Boy

Kenny's Boy
Kenny In The Sky With Donny


Kenny In The Sky With Donny


Kenny's Jury Duty

Kenny's Jury Duty
Kenny's Lesson


Kenny's Lesson


Kenny's Dilemma

Kenny's Dilemma
Kenny's Tat


Kenny's Tat


Hittin' The Road

Hittin' The Road
Kenny's Wine Tastin'


Kenny's Wine Tastin'


Love Potion 69

Love Potion 69
Kenny's Wine Tastin'


OMG Kenny's Dead


Kenny's Harem

Kenny's Harem
Kenny's Dream Girl


Kenny's Dream Girl


Kenny Gets Into Trouble

Kenny Gets Into Trouble
Kenny Goes A Shootin'


Kenny Goes A Shootin'


My Dinnur With Kenny

My Dinnur With Kenny
Kenny's Dancin' Lessin


Kenny's Dancin' Lessin


Strippin' Kenny

Strippin' Kenny
Kenny's Skulptins


Kenny's Skulptins


Kenny Duz Kenny

Kenny Duz Kenny
Wundur Kenny


Wundur Kenny


Wundur Kenny Part Doo

Wundur Kenny Part Doo

All art the property of my ownself, Aaron C. Hilmers